Website Design & Development:
The Reverend Bernard Worthington & Rector Percival Whittemore-Scripps.Sin-O-Meter Development: - the man responsible for the mysterious workings that go on behind the scenes of this complex and highly technical device. Truly you are a first rate digital wizard lacking only a pointy hat! Many thanks for lending me your expertise and innovating excellence.Artistic Imagery & Text:
The Reverend Bernard Worthington.Photography:
Many thanks to all the following blessed souls, without whose talent for capturing God's great creation in such breathtaking beauty, this website would have been so much less:The Funky Traveller -
Dark Zac -
Special Thanks to:
Fred Lee - the terrifying images of Hell supplied by you have astounded the scientific community. Who would have thought the works of the dark one could have been so readily captured by just digging a very big hole and taking a camera down there.
Extra-special Thanks to:
Joe CWS -
Joe CWS has brought such unmatched visual wonder to this website, that I often find myself weeping as I behold his works. You are as talented as you are diligent sir, and I thank you for all your hard work and quicksilver eye for beauty. I have great admiration for your photographic prowess, and am very grateful for all you have contributed to help this website sparkle like a jewel!